// Language-specific header file for Settlers, version 1.03 // // This file contains references for language-specific strings // and data used in the Settlers implementation. All strings listed // were introduced at version 1.03 unless otherwise indicated. // // Translated into German by Christoph Graser <100.145545@germanynet.de>, 1999-02-23 constant sLanguage := "Deutsch"; // These are the game controls. constant sNewGame := "Neues Spiel"; // button text constant sShow := " Zeigen"; // button text constant sStatistics := "Statistik"; // button popup constant sRoll := "W\u00FC\urfeln"; // button text constant sSounds := "Sounds"; // Info button popup constant sPlayerName := "Name des Spielers:"; // Label text in New Game window constant sOK := "OK"; // OK button in New Game window constant sBuyCard := "Karte kaufen"; // button in the Developments window // These are the actions that can appear in confirmation popups // after clicking on the game board. "Build" means to pay resources // to build the given object. "Play" means to put an object in play // without paying resources (for example, playing initial settlements, // or playing roads after a Road Building card). "Place" means to put // an object into play without paying any resources during board // editing (when the "Allow free building" preference is set). constant sBuildSettlement := "Siedlung bauen"; constant sPlaySettlement := "Siedlung ausspielen"; constant sPlaySettlementAndCollect := "Siedlung ausspielen (& Rohstoffe)"; constant sPlaceSettlement := "Siedlung setzen"; constant sRemoveSettlement := "Siedlung entfernen"; constant sBuildCity := "Stadt bauen"; constant sReplaceWithCity := "Durch Stadt ersetzen"; constant sReplaceWithSettlement := "Durch Siedlung ersetzen"; constant sPlaceCity := "Stadt setzen"; constant sRemoveCity := "Stadt entfernen"; constant sBuildRoad := "Stra\u00DF\ue bauen"; constant sPlayRoad := "Stra\u00DF\ue ausspielen"; constant sPlaceRoad := "Stra\u00DF\ue setzen"; constant sRemoveRoad := "Stra\u00DF\ue entfernen"; constant sMoveRobber := "R\u00E4\uuber versetzen"; constant sStealFromFormat := "Von ^0 rauben"; // ^0 is player name // These represent the Port and Monopoly popups, in which a // resource is chosen either for exchange or to monopolize. constant sExchangeFor := "Tauschen gegen:"; constant sWood := "Holz"; constant sBrick := "Lehm"; constant sSheep := "Schafe"; constant sGrain := "Getreide"; constant sOre := "Erz"; // Descriptions of the cards in the Development Deck constant sKnight := "Ritter"; constant sRoadBuilding := "Stra\u00DF\uenbau"; constant sMonopoly := "Monopol"; constant sDiscovery := "Erfindung"; constant sTemple := "Tempel"; constant sCourt := "Gericht"; constant sCapital := "Hauptstadt"; constant sLibrary := "Bibliothek"; constant sUniversity := "Universit\u00E4\ut"; constant sCathedral := "Kathedrale"; constant sTower := "Turm"; constant sPlayKnight := "Ritter ausspielen"; constant sPlayRoadBuilding := "Stra\u00DF\uenbau ausspielen"; constant sPlayDiscovery := "Erfindung ausspielen"; constant sMonopolize := "Monopol auf:"; constant sGainFormat := "Erhalte ^0"; // Discovery gains cards constant sLoseFormat := "Verliere ^0"; // Robber steals cards constant sDone := "Fertig"; // Done gaining/losing cards constant sMonopolyFormat := "^0 (^1)"; // If using extended format // Preference labels constant sPreferencesFormat := "^0 Einstellungen"; constant sAllowFreeBuilding := "Freies Bauen erlaubt"; constant sHiliteTilesAfterRolling := "Felder nach dem W\u00FC\urfeln hervorheben"; constant sEnforceBuildingLimits := "Beschr\u00E4\unkungen beim Bauen aktiv"; constant sShowMonopolyCount := "Kartenz\u00E4\uhler im Monopol Popup anzeigen"; constant sRegister := "Registrierung:"; constant sSharewareRegistration := "Shareware Registrierung"; constant sNoRegisterApp := "Kann Register:FlaSheridn nicht finden. Installieren Sie es bitte auf Ihrem Newton um dieses Programm mit Ihrer Kreditkate per email zu bezahlen."; // Sounds labels constant sSoundsFormat := "^0 Sounds"; constant sNone := "Keiner"; constant sDiceSounds := "W\u00FC\urfel-Sounds"; constant sUseSoundEffects := "Sound Effekte benutzen"; constant sDiceRollingSound := "W\u00FC\urfeln:"; constant sChangePlayerSound := "Spieler wechseln:"; constant sExchangeSound := "Hafen benutzen:"; constant sMoveRobberSound := "R\u00E4\uuber versetzen:"; constant sVictorySound := "Sieg:"; constant sBuildSettlementSound := "Siedlung bauen:"; constant sBuildCitySound := "Stadt bauen:"; constant sBuildRoadSound := "Stra\u00DF\ue bauen:"; constant sBuildCardSound := "Karte bauen:"; constant sRoll7Sound := "7 gew\u00FC\urfelt:"; constant sLongestRoadSound := "L\u00E4\ungste Handelsstra\u00DF\ue:"; constant sLargestArmySound := "Gr\u00F6\u\u00DF\ute Rittermacht:"; constant sRoadBuildingSound := "Stra\u00DF\uenbau:"; constant sMonopolySound := "Monopol:"; constant sDiscoverySound := "Erfindung:"; constant sKnightSound := "Ritter:"; // If a sound name begins with this, it will be considered to be // one of the "Dice Sounds". constant sDiceSound := "Dice Sound"; // The Statistics window labels constant sStatisticsFormat := "^0 Statistik"; constant sValue := "Wert"; constant sExpected := "Erwartet"; constant sActual := "Tats\u00E4\uchlich"; constant sTotalRollsFormat := "W\u00FC\urfe gesamt: ^0"; // The Victory window label constant sVictoryFormat := "^0 hat gewonnen!"; // Error messages that can appear during the course of the game. constant sPortsOnlyOnYourTurn := "Sie k\u00F6\unnen H\u00E4\ufen nur benutzen wenn Sie an der Reihe sind."; constant sDevelopmentsOnlyOnYourTurn := "Sie k\u00F6\unnen Entwicklungkarten nur ausspielen wenn Sie an der Reihe sind."; constant sAlreadyPlayedDevelopment := "Sie haben in diesem Zug bereits eine Entwicklungskarte ausgespielt."; constant sNoVictoryPointCards := "Siegpunkte werden nicht ausgespielt, sondern nur gespeichert."; constant sJustBoughtCard := "Sie haben diese Karte gerade erst erworben und k\u00F6\unnen sie fr\u00FC\uhestens in Ihrem n\u00E4\uchsten Zug ausspielen."; constant sAlreadyStolen := "Dieser Rohstoff wurde bereits geraubt."; constant sMoveRobberFirst := "Bitte versetzen Sie den R\u00E4\uuber vor dem Spielerwechsel."; constant sDiscardFirst := "Bitte beenden Sie die Abgabe der Rohstoffkarten vor dem Spielerwechsel."; constant sDrawResourcesFirst := "Bitte beenden Sie das Ziehen der Rohstoffkarten vor dem Speielerwechsel."; constant sDiscardBeforeActing := "Bitte beenden Sie zuerst die Abgabe der Rohstoffkarten."; constant sMoveRobberBeforeActing := "Bitte versetzen Sie zuerst den R\u00E4\uuber."; // These refer to resources; they will be used by Smart Dog Software // to alter other system resources. constant sCopyright := "\u00a9\u1999 Smart Dog Software. Alle Rechte vorbehalten."; constant sSettlers := "Die Siedler"; constant sBy := "by Smart Dog Software"; constant sFee := "Shareware US$20";